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Can Value Measurement predict which TED talks will go viral? We decided to test it out.

Not every TED talk goes viral...



My knees were shaking as I walked onto the stage at the Edinburgh International Conference Center. I had been invited to give a talk at TED Global, the biggest of the big leagues of public speaking, and I was beyond nervous.

So nervous, that that a TED production assistant agreed to click through my slides because I couldn't do it myself in rehearsal. 

Speaking at TED was a life-changing experience for Immersion founder Paul Zak—his talk has been viewed almost 2 million times. But not every TED talk goes viral. 

TED curator Chris Anderson warned the speakers that only 80% of what appears live at TED makes it online; the other 20% are just not good enough. So, what makes a TED talk great? 


Pretty awesome, right?

You should download the full case study and send it to a friend.  A little neuroscience goes a long way. 

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We picked seven TED talks that according to various lists are the best and worst. The chart below shows the speakers, topics, and number of views as of February, 2019.

The most watched TED Talk by Brené Brown has over 38 million views, while the talk with the fewest views, under 5,000, was by Jason Seiken.

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18 Peak Value moments
10% Increase in Value creates lift
2500 TED Talks


Immersion's Value Measurement output predicted total views of the talks in our sample (correlation 0.37). Importantly, the number of views was highly responsive to our Value Score.

A 10% increase in Value Score would result in 16% more online views of a talk.

A January, 2018 report pegs the median number of views for over 2,500 TED talks at 1.1 million, so a speaker who improved value for their audience by 10% would get in 176,000 more views—quite a substantial effect.

Peak value and neurologic frustration (points of significantly low value) were similar for all talks, with the expected negative association between low value and views (correlation -0.21). 

TED does not report how long one must watch a talk to count as a "view", but YouTube uses "around 30 seconds" while Facebook counts seeing three seconds of content as a view. If TED included a minimum watching time, the actual number of views for many talks would fall. Our previous research indicates that significantly low points where people are getting little value from an experience will cause them to stop viewing content. This means that TED talks with low value have much less impact.

In order to understand what makes TED talks great, we examined the longest moments of peak value. Across the seven talks, we found 18 peak periods of 24 seconds or longer. These varied from one peak moment for Brené Brown and Jason Seiken to five for Tony Robbins.

Speakers created deeply valuable moments for viewers when they shared  authentic personal stories, when something completely unexpected happened, and during calls to action, telling the audience things they could do to improve their lives.

Learning #1

TED talks are the pinnacle of high-impact public speaking. The most viewed TED talks are those that sustain neurologic value in viewers.

Learning #2

Value Score can be raised by creating peak value moments. For the TED talks we tested, these occurred during calls to action, emotional revelations, and unexpected changes in the presentation.

Learning #3

Every important talk should be extensively rehearsed. Measuring what people value during rehearsals will guide speakers on how to create deeper and longer peak moments as well as how to reduce frustration so that people listen to and act on the speaker's message.

"The key take-away from this study is that anyone giving a talk should use Value Measurement during rehearsals and then use the data to tighten up their presentation so they slay the audience. "
Paul ZakFounder


Are you curious about how Value Measurement can impact your business?  Grab a time to speak with one of our experts about business and what you could achieve what you know what people value.